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  • Hair

    Made with carrot oil, this treatment helps against wrinkles and signs of aging skin. Formula fortifies and strengthens the hair to a healthy and shinier look. Formato: 125 mL A base di olio di carota, questo trattamento aiuta contro le rughe e i segni dell'invecchiamento della pelle. La formula fortifica e rinforza i capelli donando loro un aspetto sano e lucente.
    Made with carrot oil, this treatment helps against wrinkles and signs of aging skin. Formula fortifies and strengthens the hair...
    Pure Avocado oil, this treatment can help deal with hair loss, thinning of hair and dandruff. Soaking easy into the scalp and skin. Formato: 125 mL Olio di avocado puro, questo trattamento può aiutare ad affrontare la caduta dei capelli, il diradamento dei capelli e la forfora. Assorbendo facilmente il cuoio capelluto e la pelle. 
    Pure Avocado oil, this treatment can help deal with hair loss, thinning of hair and dandruff. Soaking easy into the...
    Olio di Jojoba
    With this botanical extract, jojoba oil provides all day moisturizer and nourishes the skin smooth and wrinkle-free. Strengthens hair fiber for a silky touch.  Formato: 125 mL Con questo estratto botanico, l'olio di jojoba fornisce idratazione per tutto il giorno e nutre la pelle liscia e senza rughe. Rafforza la fibra capillare per un tocco setoso.
    With this botanical extract, jojoba oil provides all day moisturizer and nourishes the skin smooth and wrinkle-free. Strengthens hair fiber...
    Extracted from a rare and exotic nut, this oil protects the scalp from drying and itching while nourishing the hair to be left shinier and healthier. Formato: 125 mL Estratto da una noce rara ed esotica, questo olio protegge il cuoio capelluto dalla secchezza e dal prurito mentre nutre i capelli per renderli più lucenti e sani.
    Extracted from a rare and exotic nut, this oil protects the scalp from drying and itching while nourishing the hair...
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